As a power company, you’re operating in a world of uncertainty, changing regulatory frameworks and environmental challenges. You need to maintain a secure and reliable supply, while anticipating change.
ABK professionals provide comprehensive, integrated solutions to the power sector companies. These solutions address the range of challenges facing energy and resources companies as they adapt to a changing regulatory environment, to political, economic and market pressure and to technological development.
Power sector clients have specific needs that demand specialists. In response to those unique needs, we have developed our professional service lines focused on energy. We actively support our clients by ensuring we have the right people to serve each client.
Our clients benefit from timely insights on the most pressing industry issues, from accessing fuel sources at competitive prices to navigating the complex environmental agenda. And ABK provides you with assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services that are tailored to your needs.
Wherever you are, we support you in managing uncertainty and making the most of change.
© 2017 Agrawal B.Kumar & Co